Trails in Newtown Township

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The Bishop Hollow Trail (shown in orange on the map) is a 0.79 mile long packed cinder walking trail that runs parallel to Bishop Hollow Road, but circles behind the Newtown Township Municipal Building/Library and adjacent playing fields before passing between parking lots in the Newtown Square Corporate Campus. There it joins up to the bike lanes along Campus Boulevard. There is also a narrow earthen access shortcut to the trail through the trees from Pine Street.

Several sections of the multi-use Ellis Preserve Trail (shown in purple) have been completed in that development. They generally parallel N. Newtown Street Road (Route 252) on the eastern edge of the development. Also in Ellis Preserve is the 0.47 mile Loop Path (shown in teal) which circles the central grass meadow.

The Goshen Trail (shown in red) is a 0.91 mile long multi-use trail of packed cinders with some macadam sections, in the woods along the south side of Goshen Road. It is somewhat set back from the edge of the road, making for a pleasant experience. It does have some steep sections along its length. There is a parking area at the east end of the trail at the historic Square Tavern.

The Liseter Trail (shown in blue) is a 1.08 mile long macadam multi-use trail in the Liseter development. It runs along the eastern edge of the development along N. Newtown Street Road (Route 252), and also along the northern edge bordering the Episcopal Academy grounds. Parking is available at the historic Square Tavern across Goshen Road.

Liseter Trail
Entrance to the Liseter Trail near Goshen Road

The Newby Park-Marple Gardens Park Trail (shown in pink) is a short 0.22 mile long walking trail with a surface varying from macadam to gravel to earth to grass. It climbs through Newby Park past the playground and west of the basketball court, then connects to Marple Gardens Park in Marple Township. This trail creates an important connection between two neighborhoods that are otherwise isolated from each other.

In addition, there are grassy walking/running trails mowed through the meadow of the Newtown Meadow Preserve, straight beyond the northwestern end of the Liseter Trail.

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